Bra Servizi - Continuous growth over time

Forrec interviews the Gr. Official Giuseppe Piumatti Sole Director of the Bra Servizi company.

Gr. Official Piumatti is an entrepreneur who has been operating continuously since 1989 with autonomous responsibility in the ecological sector and has created a group of companies specialized in waste management and environmental protection. Since 2002 he has received prestigious awards that have rewarded social and civil conduct dedicated to the creation of work and social well-being.

The contacts between Forrec and Bra Servizi have been operating for a while, but exactly in 2018 the professional destinies of these companies met, Forrec proposes its own technology to solve a request for volumetric reduction and today the reference given by the company Bra Servizi completes a list of contacts with leading companies in the area. With this interview we present a relationship that is much more than just “customer-supplier”, but a collaboration that grows and develops over time.

When is Bra Servizi born and what is the main activity to which it is dedicated?

The Piumatti Group was born in 1989 with the foundation of Bra Servizi S.r.l. today leader of a pool of companies that in synergy operate in the sector of waste collection, treatment, recovery and disposal. Currently the company receives more than 250,000 tons / year of waste and launches them to the correct environmental management process.

Bra Servizi deals with the transportation, storage, sorting, treatment and disposal of any solid and liquid waste, industrial and municipal, dangerous and non-hazardous throughout the North-West Italy, unblocking and maintenance of sewers, environmental remediation activities through the best technologies available on the market.

How is the company managed internally? Are there specialized departments?

We serve about 500 municipalities and more than 50,000 end users, we have more than 150 direct employees and many workers who gravitate in the industries, it is normal that for the proper management of the waste flow that daily enter the company, we have several departments, each specialized in a sector.

We have a logistics office, a sales office, a technical office and a workshop, but also the administrative office and a tender’s procurement branch.

What procedures are followed within the company for quality management and control?

All the companies of the Piumatti Group operate in strict compliance with the regulations concerning safety and the protection of the health of workers and workplaces.

The company Bra Servizi has for years standardized its management system to stringent quality and environmental standards dictated by the standards UNI EN ISO 9001: 15, 14001: 15 and the EMAS Regulation, until obtaining the BS OHSAS 18001: 2007 Certification in the field of safety and health of workers issued by the certifying body BUREAU VERITAS SPA

The company also owns the SOA qualification for public works for the CAT. OG 12 Cl. II.

In 2017, the companies of the Group provided over 5000 hours of training, of which specifically 1,800 hours dedicated to prevention and safety and 3200 specific hours per job.

The improvement plan of the integrated Quality, Environment and Safety management system envisages a constant monitoring of the company security system through hours of training, information on risks, application of the DVR improvement plan, scheduled maintenance of equipment, IPR surveillance and collection and analysis of near misses (almost accidents).

What initiatives has Bra Servizi activated in the field of environmental education?

In recent years, guided tours have been organized at the headquarters of Bra (CN) in Corso Monviso, which have allowed to illustrate the process of waste treatment to about 3,000 students and customers, highlighting the advantages of proper management of waste.

Over the years, the Group's management has also activated environmental education projects, laboratories, guided tours (about 2 per week), collaborations with research institutes and the academic world.

Within the structure of Bra Servizi Srl in Bra (CN) I have created two museums: the Bicycle Museum where you can find unique pieces and the first “maglia rosa” (Pink T-shirt) and the Museum of mechanical writing unique of its kind in which we show the beauty of over 300 all-working typewriters, from the first existing typewriter (1873) to Program 101, the world's first personal computer that allowed man to land on the moon.

Which Forrec installations and systems are present in your company and which are the characteristics that are most appreciated?

Forrec provided us with a multi-crusher machine, a specific machine we have commissioned for the treatment of MSW (Municipal solid waste). The machine was designed for the volumetric reduction of the material that is then sent to subsequent processing, this has allowed a positive impact on the environment and on the quality of the product itself. The purpose of the system was precisely the preparation of waste and the machine met our requirements and our prospects of volumetric savings for the benefit of the environment. I would especially like to congratulate my collaborator, as well as responsible for the management of our platform Mauro Girello, who every day with dedication manages in an excellent way the flow of waste and the organization of our plant using the better our potential.

How would you rate the experience up to now with the Forrec staff active in the different areas?

The judgment we can give is positive, both from a technical-commercial point of view and from the point of view of assistance and presence in the after-sales, we have been followed and we have had answers to our requests. Prepared technicians who have followed us both at our headquarters and through telephone assistance.

What is the role of research and development in your company?

Research and development in the company is daily, the goal is to create services to let the customers solve problems with quality. The offer is always expanding, in 2017 we have been able to treat waste such as oils and emulsions and we have also planned a change to the site plan for new projects for the recovery of synthetic grass coming from football fields and other projects that are in the embryonic phase always with the aim of giving new life to waste to become new resources.

We want to make a difference and create solutions for the benefit of the environment, and we are always ready for new challenges.

How was the year 2018 closed?

2018 ended positively for the company, although of the daily difficulties given by the closure of treatment plants and the increase of bureaucracy. In general, however, we have good feelings about what has been done and what we want to achieve by creating partnerships with customers-suppliers for a better future.

What are the company prospects for the future?

Always improve, because we have never arrived, despite the position and awards achieved so far, we do not expect to stop, our goal is to train our employees so that they are always prepared to market demands and invest in order to always offer better services and give certainty to our stakeholders.

From a more tangible point of view, we are proceeding with an urban variant that involves the construction of a 1600 square meter structure dedicated to the shelter of vehicles whose coverage will be realized with photovoltaic panels. The project will also include the construction of a green area and public parking lots. The replacement of all internal handling vehicles with hybrid-powered equipment was also completed in order to reduce emissions and environmental impact, and the partnership with the Tesla group has also begun, and Bra Servizi is now an official service station for the charging of electric cars.